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We do not sell our books or tools through mass-market retailers or online discounters. That's why you won't find our books for sale on Amazon.com or through major bookstore chains. We work only with woodworking suppliers we know personally and who we trust after years of working with them.

In the U.S., you can purchase our products from these sources:

 Lost Art Press online store
 Lee Valley Tools
 Lie-Nielsen Toolworks
 Tools for Working Wood
 Highland Woodworking
 Downbound Books, Cincinnati, Ohio
 Page 158 Books, Wake Forest, North Carolina
 Shelter Institute, Woolwich, Maine
• North House Folk School, Grand Marais, Minnesota
 Florida School of Woodwork, Tampa, Florida
 Norfolk Wood Shop, Norfolk, Virginia
 Garrett Wade, Brooklyn, New York
• Colonial Homestead, Millersburg, Ohio (no website)
 The Bookstore at the Berry Center, New Castle, Kentucky

 Outside of the U.S., you can buy our products through these sellers:

• United Kingdom: Classic Hand Tools: www.classichandtools.com Phone: 00 44 (0) 1473 784 983
• United Kingdom: Woodsmith: www.woodsmith.co.uk
• Germany: Dictum GmbH, www.dictum.com
• Australia: Lie-Nielsen Australia Email: anthony@lie-nielsen.com.au Phone: 08 8293 1499
• Australia: Carbatec Pty Ltd. www.carbatec.com.au  locations, Brisbane, Syndney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, Launceston
• New Zealand: Carbatec Pty Ltd. www.carbatec.co.nz
• Sweden: Rubank Verktygs AB www.rubank.se Phone:  +46-8-7247510