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About Us, Contact Us & Returns


Tile by Sarah Horn

Tile of our Willard Street storefront by Sarah Horn Ceramics

1. How to contact us

We respond to all customer service inquiries – usually within 24 hours if possible.

If you have a question or problem with an order, or you have editorial inquiries, please contact us at help@lostartpress.comPlease note that we do not accept unsolicited manuscripts.

For general woodworking questions, please see our Lost Art Press blog. There are more than 5,000 articles there, all searchable. We also try to answer all (reasonable) questions on our blog on Saturdays six times a year, in "Open Wire."

For questions about woodworking classes at our storefront in Covington, Ky., see the FAQs here; if you don't find an answer, email covingtonmechanicals@gmail.com.

2. How to return a product

If you wish to return an item, simply return it to us within 30 days of your order in the original or equivalent protective packaging. We will promptly refund your money. Send all returns to:

Lost Art Press
407 Madison Ave.
Covington, KY 41011

Please return items in the original packaging if possible or in a sturdy cardboard box with padding to protect the contents. Be sure to include your return address and phone number so we can contact you if there is a problem with your return. If you have questions about a return, send us an e-mail at help@lostartpress.com. We monitor this email daily and will get back to you ASAP.

 Anthe building at 407 Madison Ave.

Our fulfillment center at 407 Madison Ave. in downtown Covington, Kentucky.

3. About Lost Art Press

Lost Art Press LLC was founded in 2007 by two enthusiastic woodworkers, John Hoffman and Christopher Schwarz, while attending a Lie-Nielsen Toolworks Open House in Warren, Maine.

The company started with a question: What happened to all the great woodworking books that used to be published? The books that changed the course of the craft and people’s lives? The books that explored our ever-diminishing link to the handwork of previous centuries?

And so we founded Lost Art Press on these simple principles:

  1. To encourage high-quality books, we offer royalty rates two or three times higher than the industry average. This approach helps support the work of independent woodworkers financially, as woodworking is a difficult profession to succeed in.
  2. Our books are printed in the U.S. using the best materials we can obtain. We manufacture all of our books to last at least a century. That means using expensive sewn bindings, fiber tape and thick hardbacks. 
  3. We keep our books in print for as long as possible. Many publishers keep a book in print for 18 months and then sell it to a discount bookseller to dispose of the rest of the inventory. This process, called remaindering, is one of the reasons most authors make a pittance from their books and discourages authors from publishing great, difficult material.
  4. We offer our authors equal footing on the details of their books. Unlike with corporate publishers, the book's title, its design and manufacturing details are joint decisions between Lost Art Press and the writer.
  5. We keep our expenses as low as possible because we return about half of all profits to our authors. 
  6. We accept no sponsorships, affiliate money or free or discounted tools. Everything we write is 100 percent unsponsored. 
  7. We operate without debt and pay our suppliers promptly.
  8. We sell our books and tools only through outlets we trust completely – family-run businesses such as ours. We do not sell through mass-market retailers or Amazon.

I’ve been asked many times about the founding of Lost Art Press and how we started financially. Did we take out a loan? Did our families give us money? Do we have trust funds? Are we supported financially by our spouses? The answer to all those questions is no.

John and I each put in $2,000 of our own money to pay for the first press run of our first book, “The Art of Joinery,” and we grew the business slowly from there. It’s a difficult way to run a business and requires a never-ending focus on expenses. But growing the business slowly ensured that it would be difficult to fail.

For the first six years of the business, John and I performed every operation in creating books and fulfilling orders. We (and our families) packed every box, answered every customer service inquiry and drove boxes to the post office every day.

Today, we have five full-time employees besides John and myself: Megan and Kale on the editorial side of things and Meghan, Gabe and Mark on the business side.

Our books are fulfilled from our own warehouse a few blocks from my storefront workshop in Covington, Kentucky. We ship about 60,000 books a year, which makes us a tiny publisher in the grand scheme of things. But it’s enough to support us and our families, and we get to do work we are proud of. So it’s more than enough.

Your Personal Information & Data

We pride ourselves on being a company that you can trust. We will never sell or share your personal information with anyone else. Ever. We do not (and have never) accepted gifts, free tools, travel, affiliate money or any promotional consideration from anyone. When we recommend a tool – in our books or on our blog – we have paid full retail for it. Just like you.

If you wish to read about the endorsement guidelines for bloggers and social media participants, we recommend this common-sense guide here. The complete law for Title 16, Part 255, can be found here.

4. Where to buy our products

In addition to our online store, we sell our books and tools through a network of small family-run retailers that share our passion for woodworking, customer service and making quality goods. We do not sell through mass-market retailers or websites. Note that not all our retailers carry our titles or tools.

In the U.S., you can purchase our products from these sources:

Lost Art Press online store
Lee Valley Tools
Lie-Nielsen Toolworks
Tools for Working Wood
Highland Woodworking
Downbound Books, Cincinnati, Ohio
Page 158 Books, Wake Forest, North Carolina
Shelter Institute, Woolwich, Maine
North House Folk School, Grand Marais, Minnesota
Florida School of Woodwork, Tampa, Florida
Norfolk Wood Shop, Norfolk, Virginia
Garrett Wade, Brooklyn, New York
• Colonial Homestead, Millersburg, Ohio (no website)
The Bookstore at the Berry Center, New Castle, Kentucky

 Outside of the U.S., you can buy our products through these sellers:

• United Kingdom: Classic Hand Tools: www.classichandtools.com Phone: 00 44 (0) 1473 784 983
• United Kingdom: Woodsmith: www.woodsmith.co.uk
• Germany: Dictum GmbH, www.dictum.com
• Australia: Lie-Nielsen Australia Email: anthony@lie-nielsen.com.au Phone: 08 8293 1499
• Australia: Carbatec Pty Ltd. www.carbatec.com.au  locations, Brisbane, Syndney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, Launceston
• New Zealand: Carbatec Pty Ltd. www.carbatec.co.nz
• Sweden: Rubank Verktygs AB www.rubank.se Phone:  +46-8-7247510

5. International shipping

Please click here for information.

6. Visit our storefront

We are putting the finishing touches on our new storefront at 407 Madison Ave. in Covington, Kentucky. Until we get it completed, we don't have any in-person retail sales. Sorry. Our grand opening will be March 9, 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. You can read more about that here

7. About our Substacks

We write three substacks – woodworking blogs about specialized information. Want to know more? Read about them here.